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Discover the Velinn Hotel and Inn Network!
São várias opções de hospedagem em diferentes destinos.
Pousadas e Hotéis com várias piscinas, vista para o mar ou para as montanhas, frente à praia, SPA, bar molhado e muita natureza, esporte e tranquilidade!
E você, que ficará conosco, poderá usufruir de tudo com o day use e o clube de vantagens da rede! Know more…
What is your travel profile?
Romantic trip for the couple, family vacation or trip with friends? We have accommodations for everyone! Suites with whirlpool tubs, rooms with hot tubs, high-end apartments, well-equipped villas, special honeymoon or family suites with mini-kitchens, and even shared rooms for groups. Each one in a different location, with an atmosphere and climate that you will love.

About us
Com um modelo de gestão eficiente focado em vendas e padronização de processos comerciais, somados a um investimento de capital externo e muita tecnologia, nasce a Velinn.
Este novo conceito de gestão comercial gere e unifica, baixo um mesmo guarda-chuva, as Estratégias comerciais, Revenue Management/Gestão de receitas, Business Intelligence, Marketing hoteleiro, Central de Reservas, Treinamento com foco na experiência de hospedagem e Acompanhamento no dia-a-dia do hoteleiro e sua equipe. Tudo isso sem alterar a marca, as características físicas, a infraestrutura e a administração do hotel, onde continua a cargo do hoteleiro e sua equipe os setores operacional, administrativo e financeiro.
A parceria atende a hotelaria de pequeno, médio e grande porte, assim como de mid e upscale, onde a remuneração da Velinn acontece apenas ao bater metas pré-definidas.
Todos os meios de hospedagem da rede mantém seu logo e passam a levar o nome Velinn or by Velinn junto à sua marca nos ambientes on-line, agregando ainda mais excelência, confiança e profissionalismo às marcas.
Garantir o sucesso dos hoteleiros e proporcionar experiências inesquecíveis para os hóspedes.
Ser reconhecido como o parceiro estratégico preferido na gestão comercial hoteleira, promovendo o crescimento sustentável e excelência em serviços. Buscamos expandir nossa presença como uma marca confiável e desejada pelos hóspedes, destacando-nos como líderes nos destinos turísticos em que atuamos.
Comprometimento: Comprometemo-nos com a excelência em tudo o que fazemos, desde o suporte aos nossos parceiros até a criação de experiências memoráveis para os hóspedes.
Inovação: Buscamos constantemente soluções inovadoras para enfrentar os desafios do setor de hotelaria, adotando tecnologias de ponta e práticas de gestão eficientes para encantar nossos hóspedes.
Foco no Cliente: Colocamos nossos parceiros e hóspedes em primeiro lugar, compreendendo suas necessidades e oferecendo soluções personalizadas que impulsionam o sucesso tanto dos hoteleiros quanto dos visitantes.
Transparência: Mantemos a transparência em todas as interações, construindo relacionamentos baseados na confiança e na comunicação aberta, tanto com nossos parceiros quanto com os hóspedes.
Respeito: Valorizamos a diversidade, respeitamos as diferentes perspectivas e promovemos um ambiente inclusivo para nossos colaboradores, parceiros e hóspedes.
Sustentabilidade: Comprometemo-nos a operar de maneira sustentável, minimizando nosso impacto ambiental e promovendo práticas responsáveis na indústria do turismo, visando a satisfação duradoura dos hóspedes.
Resultados Orientados: Estamos focados em resultados mensuráveis, trabalhando em parceria com nossos hoteleiros para atingir metas e garantir o sucesso a longo prazo, tanto no aspecto comercial quanto na satisfação dos hóspedes.
Oferecer soluções: Gestão comercial inovadora, tecnologia avançada, suporte dedicado e as melhores prática do mercado para elevar resultados financeiros de nossos parceiros e proporcionar um atendimento excepcional, enquanto se constrói uma marca amplamente reconhecida pelos consumidores.
Essas declarações refletem o compromisso da Velinn em fornecer suporte abrangente, inovação e resultados financeiros significativos para os hoteleiros, enquanto mantêm altos padrões éticos e de serviço.
Find out what and how we do. Be part of our history, Click here…
Nossa História
A metodologia exclusiva de gestão comercial hoteleira da Velinn e seu novo conceito tem atraído a atenção de mais e mais hoteleiros por sua capacidade de trazer enormes resultados financeiros e tranquilidade para a hotelaria independente e familiar. A garantia de aumento no faturamento e da adequação da diária média oferecida pela Velinn é o que mais impacta estes empresários que tanto tem sofrido com as grandes mudanças do mercado nos últimos anos.
Está em franca expansão no Brasil, na região do litoral norte de SP, litoral sul do RJ e Serra da Mantiqueira. Em breve Espanha e Portugal.
Beautiful island, onde nasceu a Velinn a mais de 14 anos, está entre os destinos mais charmosos e procurados do litoral brasileiro. Com 84% de Mata Atlântica preservada, atrações para todos os gostos e mais de 600 meios de hospedagem espalhados pelo arquipélago, how to stand out among so many options of hotels and inns?
For Thiago Carvalhaes Hossri, CEO, the secret lies in a gestão comercial eficiente e foco no melhor atendimento ao turista. Desde 2008, quando iniciou seu trabalho com a primeira Caravela Pousada, sempre prezou por hospedar com conforto e atender com qualidade seus hóspedes, oferecendo todo o suporte necessário para que eles possam desfrutar do melhor de cada destino antes mesmo da chegada.
?Nossa equipe de atendimento são muito mais que recepcionistas ou telefonistas, são verdadeiros guias turísticos prontos a fornecer todas as informações que o turista precisa, transformando desde a jornada da compra até sua experiência no destino única!?, conta Thiago, e continua…
“… os hoteleiros sofrem muito com tantas novas tecnologias, com a concorrência desleal das casas de aluguel e dos hotéis irregulares, com as comissões e investimentos milionários em marketing das grandes OTAs e com o tempo de dedicação necessário para gerir a operação do hotel e as vendas. É aí que a Velinn pode ajudar muito, trazendo mais tempo, maior vendas diretas, aumento da diária média e da ocupação, apoio na operação e garantia de grandes resultado financeiros sem custar mais caro, inclusive, muitas vezes, diminuindo seus custos.“.
“E falando em tempo, percebemos que o sonho de ser hoteleiro e ter qualidade de vida muitas vezes se transforma em um problema, onde além de ser um administrador multi-funções, necessárias para gerir uma empresa, tem que ter conhecimentos comerciais e tecnológicos muito específicos, o que acaba com sua paz e ocupa todo seu tempo. Percebemos que a Velinn ajuda muito, se não resolve, a que o sonho se torne realidade. Nossos parceiros passam a ter mais tempo para gerir melhor seu negócio e curtir a vida, além de mais dinheiro.“, finaliza.
A partir daí a rede foi crescendo com mais unidades. Thiago, que iniciou seu trabalho com turismo no badaladíssimo destino Cancun nos anos 80 e 90, agora com mais bagagem e experiência no mercado de Hospitalidade e Hotelaria, constatou que era hora de amadurecer ainda mais o modelo Velinn, que já fazia sucesso em seus próprios hotéis. Não é a toa que seus meios de hospedagem estão entre o Top 5 Hotéis de Ilhabela and has been receiving Certificates of Excellence do TripAdvisor por vários anos consecutivos, da Booking.com, a maior e mais séria agencia on-line do mundo, da Expedia, a maior na Europa e EUA, da Decolar e de várias outras como o Airbnb (Superhost), CVC, Trend, HotelDo, Candeias… hoje trabalha com mais de 700 agencies, operators and vacation clubs in Brazil and around the world.
Conta com uma equipe completa. São profissionais de gestão de receitas, programação, atendimento, central de vendas, treinamento, administrativo, comercial, CS, marketing e redes sociais, todos com foco em alcançar os objetivos individuais de cada hotel.
What is the Velinn Network?
Where did the Velinn Network start?
Velinn Hotel Santa Teresa
Santa Teresa Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It is a beautiful hotel, very well decorated, located just a 1-minute walk from Santa Tereza Beach, one of the most exclusive on the island.
It offers an adult and children's pool with a wet bar, waterfall, tables and loungers, games room, barbecue and pizza oven.
The elegant accommodations have Wi-Fi, air conditioning, desk, intercom, minibar and LED TV, in addition to options with hydromassage.
A delicious breakfast with fruits, breads, cakes, cold cuts, eggs and much more is served daily. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Caravela Inn
Barra Velha, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
The first and best located inn in the Velinn chain. It's close to the ferry, right at the exit to the south, close to Ilha das Cabras.
In the midst of flowering and wooded gardens, there is a rustic construction, very cozy, with pieces of shipwrecks everywhere.
Enjoy the sauna or the delicious lobby bar around the pool with tables and sun loungers. Order a Caravela cocktail or a Frozen caipirinha, the Captain's specialty!
Its spacious accommodations have LED TV, air conditioning, minibar, work desk, balcony and amenities. Some have a hammock, a furnished room, two air conditioners, double height ceilings, a yard for pets and a closet. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada Guarubela Veloso
Veloso Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
Beautiful inn a few meters from Praia do Veloso, Praia do Curral and Cachoeira do Veloso. It's only 3 minutes! It offers an adult-child pool with sun loungers, parasols, whirlpool, garden, high-speed Wi-Fi, parking, solarium overlooking the sea, terraces and delicious breakfast.
With new rooms and for families, they are equipped with air conditioning, Smart LED TV, minibar, complete trousseau and private bathroom. King and Queen bed options are available, as well as a balcony and 42-inch Smart TVs. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada Villa Caiçara
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
With lots of green, mountain views and next to the beach, its differential is the incredible breakfast!
It is located in one of the most popular districts of Ilhabela, just 1 minute walk from Praia do Perequê, close to restaurants, kiosks, shops, boardwalk, bike path and tourist agencies.
It has an outdoor whirlpool, swimming pool with waterfall, bar, tables and parasols, sauna, card games area, lounge with sofas, barbecue and hammock.
The accommodations are very comfortable, nicely decorated and well equipped. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada dos Marinheiros
Itaquanduba Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It is located in one of the most central districts of Ilhabela, a 1-minute walk from the beach and Marina Porto Ilhabela.
It offers a very pleasant atmosphere where around the large pool there are sun loungers, tables with parasols, barbecue and pizza oven.
It also has a card game room and a pool table, a bar, a large leisure area with beautiful balconies and mountain views, as well as a library, cable TV room and everything to make you feel at home.
Its accommodations have air conditioning, LED TV, minibar, ceiling fan and Wi-Fi. Pet Friendly?

Velinn Pousada Ponta do Pequeah
Engenho D'água Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
Built on the concept of a European village, it has a privileged location.
It is located on Boulevard Gourmet, a few meters from the Historic Center of Ilhabela, between the beaches of Engenho D?água and Saco da Capela.
With a beautiful view of Pico do Baepi, its spacious accommodations have a queen-size bed, box-spring mattress, LED TV, split air conditioning, minibar, ceiling fan and sofa.
The service is among Ilhabela's best scores… you will be able to energize yourself while you relax.

Velinn Pousada Praia do Pereque
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It was known as Velinn Inn HPJ. It is located in the best neighborhood of Ilhabela, central region that is close to shops, banks, supermarkets, bike path and bus stop.
Just a 1-minute walk from the beach, it has a good price with friendly service in a family atmosphere, as well as great value for money at the Velinn chain in Ilhabela. Its accommodations are spacious for up to 6 people.
Recently renovated, it has a pool with waterfall and whirlpool, solarium and lobby with TV and video game.
Velinn Pousada Chalé Suisso
Itaquanduba, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
Velinn Pousada Chalé Suisso is located on Itaquanduba Beach, central region of Ilhabela.
It is a 1-minute walk from the beach on the main avenue, with easy access to any part of the island.
It combines a good price with the qualities of a personalized service in a simple and cozy atmosphere.
One of the best value for money in Ilhabela and one of the best priced inns in the chain. Pet Friendly…

Velinn Pousada Bromélias
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
One of the most famous and charming inns in Ilhabela.
With more than 150 years of history, it has more than 12 thousand m² of green area located in the central point of the island, close to beaches, waterfalls and in the middle of the Atlantic Forest.
With spacious rooms and suites for up to 6 people, it has options with a living room and pantry or with a beautiful balcony, overlooking the garden, pool or waterfall and all with air conditioning, LED TV and minibar.
Rest to the sound of the waterfall that passes next to the rooms or with the singing of birds and nature. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada Recanto da Villa
Village, Historic Center, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It is a very pleasant environment, where the feeling is that of being in an Italian villa with the apartments arranged around a small and beautiful flowered garden.
As it is located in the Historic and Gastronomic Center of the Island, guests can walk to the village.
Its accommodations have split air conditioning, LED TV, minibar and some can accommodate up to 5 people. Rooms with whirlpool, hot tub and solarium are the most popular.
It is 3 minutes from the beach and is undoubtedly the most popular inn in the chain!
Pet Friendly…
Velinn Camping Ilhabela
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
The best camping on the north coast!
It is next to the rapids with 15 thousand m² in the middle of nature, equipped with energy points, lighting, complete bathrooms, barbecues, kitchens and a large kiosk.
The waterfall is next to the tents and is integrated into the Ilha da Aventura Eco Park. Enjoy the two swimming pools, kids area with playground, trampoline, ball pool and much more.
Space options, cabins for couples, tents and hostel type accommodation. Pet Friendly…
Maison Joly Hotel
Historic Center, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
At the Maison Joly Hotel, the view of the Sea is breathtaking from all environments, are there few so beautiful in the world? the architecture is charming and uncluttered, made with Feng Shui fundamentals and organic elements amidst wonderful nature.
It is in the Historic and Gastronomic Center of the Island, a few meters from the beach, shops and restaurants.
It has always been considered the hotel with the best view of Ilhabela! Pet Friendly?
Velinn Hotel Santa Teresa
Santa Teresa Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It is a beautiful hotel, very well decorated, located just a 1-minute walk from Santa Tereza Beach, one of the most exclusive on the island.
It offers an adult and children's pool with a wet bar, waterfall, tables and loungers, games room, barbecue and pizza oven.
The elegant accommodations have Wi-Fi, air conditioning, desk, intercom, minibar and LED TV, in addition to options with hydromassage.
A delicious breakfast with fruits, breads, cakes, cold cuts, eggs and much more is served daily. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Caravela Inn
Barra Velha, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
The first and best located inn in the Velinn chain. It's close to the ferry, right at the exit to the south, close to Ilha das Cabras.
In the midst of flowering and wooded gardens, there is a rustic construction, very cozy, with pieces of shipwrecks everywhere.
Enjoy the sauna or the delicious lobby bar around the pool with tables and sun loungers. Order a Caravela cocktail or a Frozen caipirinha, the Captain's specialty!
Its spacious accommodations have LED TV, air conditioning, minibar, work desk, balcony and amenities. Some have a hammock, a furnished room, two air conditioners, double height ceilings, a yard for pets and a closet. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada Bromélias
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
One of the most famous and charming inns in Ilhabela.
With more than 150 years of history, it has more than 12 thousand m² of green area located in the central point of the island, close to beaches, waterfalls and in the middle of the Atlantic Forest.
With spacious rooms and suites for up to 6 people, it has options with a living room and pantry or with a beautiful balcony, overlooking the garden, pool or waterfall and all with air conditioning, LED TV and minibar.
Rest to the sound of the waterfall that passes next to the rooms or with the singing of birds and nature. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada Recanto da Villa
Village, Historic Center, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It is a very pleasant environment, where the feeling is that of being in an Italian villa with the apartments arranged around a small and beautiful flowered garden.
As it is located in the Historic and Gastronomic Center of the Island, guests can walk to the village.
Its accommodations have split air conditioning, LED TV, minibar and some can accommodate up to 5 people. Rooms with whirlpool, hot tub and solarium are the most popular.
It is 3 minutes from the beach and is undoubtedly the most popular inn in the chain!
Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada dos Marinheiros
Itaquanduba Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It is located in one of the most central districts of Ilhabela, a 1-minute walk from the beach and Marina Porto Ilhabela.
It offers a very pleasant atmosphere where around the large pool there are sun loungers, tables with parasols, barbecue and pizza oven.
It also has a card game room and a pool table, a bar, a large leisure area with beautiful balconies and mountain views, as well as a library, cable TV room and everything to make you feel at home.
Its accommodations have air conditioning, LED TV, minibar, ceiling fan and Wi-Fi. Pet Friendly?

Velinn Pousada Praia do Pereque
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It was known as Velinn Inn HPJ. It is located in the best neighborhood of Ilhabela, central region that is close to shops, banks, supermarkets, bike path and bus stop.
Just a 1-minute walk from the beach, it has a good price with friendly service in a family atmosphere, as well as great value for money at the Velinn chain in Ilhabela. Its accommodations are spacious for up to 6 people.
Recently renovated, it has a pool with waterfall and whirlpool, solarium and lobby with TV and video game.
Velinn Pousada Ponta do Pequeah
Engenho D'água Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
Built on the concept of a European village, it has a privileged location.
It is located on Boulevard Gourmet, a few meters from the Historic Center of Ilhabela, between the beaches of Engenho D?água and Saco da Capela.
With a beautiful view of Pico do Baepi, its spacious accommodations have a queen-size bed, box-spring mattress, LED TV, split air conditioning, minibar, ceiling fan and sofa.
The service is among Ilhabela's best scores… you will be able to energize yourself while you relax.

Velinn Hotel Pousada dos Hibiscus
Saco da Capela, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
Inspired by the charm and beauty of this tropical island, it is an oasis in one of the best neighborhoods of Ilhabela with special services such as afternoon tea, espresso coffee all day, poolside snackbar and the best service. It is on Boulevard Gourmet just 1 minute from the beach, Sea Club and 5 from the Historic Village amidst restaurants, bars and shops. The sauna and the swimming pool with hydro and waterfall are located in the heart of the inn.

Velinn Pousada Chalé Suisso
Itaquanduba, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
Velinn Pousada Chalé Suisso is located on Itaquanduba Beach, central region of Ilhabela.
It is a 1-minute walk from the beach on the main avenue, with easy access to any part of the island.
It combines a good price with the qualities of a personalized service in a simple and cozy atmosphere.
One of the best value for money in Ilhabela and one of the best priced inns in the chain. Pet Friendly…

Velinn Camping Ilhabela
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
The best camping on the north coast!
It is next to the rapids with 15 thousand m² in the middle of nature, equipped with energy points, lighting, complete bathrooms, barbecues, kitchens and a large kiosk.
The waterfall is next to the tents and is integrated into the Ilha da Aventura Eco Park. Enjoy the two swimming pools, kids area with playground, trampoline, ball pool and much more.
Space options, cabins for couples, tents and hostel type accommodation. Pet Friendly…
The Right Destination for You!
Come spend your vacation in the best accommodation options in Brazil, with the guarantee of satisfaction that only the Velinn network can provide!

The Velinn Club is the day use da rede e mais?
Para fazer parte do clube basta hospedar-se nesta rede de charmosos hotéis e pousadas. Tenha descontos imediatos para próximas reservas e benefícios únicos. Fique cada vez em uma Velinn e jamais se canse. São mais de 250 opções de acomodações. Know more?
We love animals, so your pet will be very welcome na maioria das unidades e acomodações da rede Velinn. Nos avise da vinda de seu pet, consulte nossas regras e venha curtir a seu destino favorito com seu melhor amigo. Know more?
Matas, bosques e corredeiras em em espaços de frente para o mar. O cenário perfeito para weddings, mini weddings and corporate events. We have complete infrastructure for your event.
Know more?
Experience Ilhabela
Welcome to the paradise! Ilhabela is a marine archipelago with several islands, 40 beaches and 360 waterfalls, with attractions for those seeking rest, a beautiful day at the beach, outdoor activities, sports, ecotourism, history, gastronomy and? know more.
Do you already know what to do in Ilhabela? Want tips on itineraries and attractions? Your receptionist, an expert on the island, will give you a map and all the sightseeing tips to make your visit unforgettable, but here you can already have a good idea of what awaits you? know more.
How about now knowing some important informations so that you have a safe, peaceful and worry-free trip, in addition to a few more details of the Velinn network? Ferry, how to protect yourself from blackflies, sunscreen? know more.
You know get here in Ilhabela or at your hotel, look here…
Velinn Chain of Hotels and Inns in Ilhabela
Your network in Ilhabela! Beautiful Inns, Hotels, Villas and Camping. In front of the beach, overlooking the sea, amidst woods and waterfalls, downtown, in the historic village, on Boulevard Gourmet or close to the ferry in Ilhabela. Romantic trip for the couple, family vacation, trip with friends or for work? We have accommodation for everyone.
For tourists who do not travel without their ?best friend?, the Velinn network offers options pet friendly, prepared to receive your pet safely and comfortably.
Accommodations with hot tub and hot tub, exclusive high-end suites, honeymoon specials, family rooms and villas with kitchen, and even shared rooms for groups. Each one in a different location, with an atmosphere and climate that you will love!
And the best: you choose a unit of the Network to stay, but you can enjoy the structure of all, like a club! Velinn guests have guaranteed access to leisure at all the inns and hotels of the chain in Ilhabela. THE Velin Club is the Day Use of the network:
? Several swimming pools, some with waterfalls, heated or with hydromassage, for adults and children
? Wet and dry saunas by the pool
? Bars, including wet bars, with stools inside the pool
? Games room with billiards and cards, Library and Toy Library
? Changing rooms to shower and change, even before check-in or after check-out
? Barbecue grills, pizza oven and wood stove
? Mini-fitness and relaxing massages
? Structure for outdoor events or in rooms
? Waterfall inside the inn, furnished flower gardens and lots of nature, sport and tranquility
? Special discount for admission to Ilha da Aventura Eco Park during the summer, which has swimming pools, zip lines, climbing wall, tree climbing circuit and kids space with playground, water slide, trampoline and much more.
Enjoy Ilhabela as you deserve? just stay on our network and you'll have access to it all! Know more. Benefits that only Rede Velinn offers on the North Coast of São Paulo.
Caravela Pousadas in Ilhabela is now Velinn Hotels and Inns Network
With an exclusive methodology and a new commercial and hotel management model, Velinn was born. A new concept of accommodation experience that comes to strengthen the old Caravela group, in full expansion on the North Coast of SP.
With more than 40 beaches and 300 waterfalls, Beautiful island is among the most charming destinations on the Brazilian coast. With 84% of preserved Atlantic Forest and attractions for all tastes, this paradise on the North Coast of São Paulo gathers, every year, thousands of tourists coming mainly from the capital and countryside of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, among other cities spread throughout the Brazil.
Attracted by the beautiful beaches with transparent water, tourists also come in search of contact with nature, through dozens of trails and waterfalls that delight lovers of ecotourism. But Ilhabela has much more to offer: a rich and varied gastronomy, nightlife, shops and, above all, all the infrastructure for tourists, with a wide network of lodging facilities spread throughout the archipelago. But how to stand out among so many options of hotels and inns?
For the brothers Fabio and Thiago Carvalhaes Hossri, the secret lies in an efficient management focused on the best service to tourists. Since 2008, when they started their work with the first Caravela Inn, have always been keen to provide comfortable accommodation and quality service to their guests, offering all the necessary support so that they can enjoy the best of Ilhabela. ?Our collaborators are much more than receptionists, they are true tourist guides ready to provide all the information that the tourist needs?, says Thiago.
From there, the network grew, with more inns, hotels and a campsite. The family, who started their work with tourism in the popular destination Cancun, now with more experience and experience in the Hospitality and Tourism market, realized that it was time to further mature the model that had been successful for more than 10 years. It is no wonder that the inns are among the Top 5 Pousadas in Ilhabela and has been receiving Certificates of Excellence from TripAdvisor for several consecutive years, from Booking.com, the world's largest and most serious online agency, from Expedia, the largest in Europe and the US, and from Decolar, its largest partner in the region and the fastest growing agency in years, being the largest in Latin America. Today it works with more than 200 agencies and operators in Brazil and worldwide.
With its own service and administration methodology, an efficient management model focused on the commercial area and standardization of the internal processes of all lodging facilities, added to an investment of external capital, the Velin. A new concept of accommodation experience that comes to strengthen Ilhabela's hospitality industry. As a result, all of the network's hosting facilities now carry the Velinn name, adding even more excellence and professionalism to the brand.
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Velinn Caravela Inn
Barra Velha, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
The first and best located inn in the Velinn chain. It's close to the ferry, right at the exit to the south, close to Ilha das Cabras.
In the midst of flowering and wooded gardens, there is a rustic construction, very cozy, with pieces of shipwrecks everywhere.
Enjoy the sauna or the delicious lobby bar around the pool with tables and sun loungers. Order a Caravela cocktail or a Frozen caipirinha, the Captain's specialty!
Its spacious accommodations have LED TV, air conditioning, minibar, work desk, balcony and amenities. Some have a hammock, a furnished room, two air conditioners, double height ceilings, a yard for pets and a closet. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada Bromélias
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
One of the most famous and charming inns in Ilhabela.
With more than 150 years of history, it has more than 12 thousand m² of green area located in the central point of the island, close to beaches, waterfalls and in the middle of the Atlantic Forest.
With spacious rooms and suites for up to 6 people, it has options with a living room and pantry or with a beautiful balcony, overlooking the garden, pool or waterfall and all with air conditioning, LED TV and minibar.
Rest to the sound of the waterfall that passes next to the rooms or with the singing of birds and nature. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Hotel Santa Teresa
Santa Teresa Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It is a beautiful hotel, very well decorated, located just a 1-minute walk from Santa Tereza Beach, one of the most exclusive on the island.
It offers an adult and children's pool with a wet bar, waterfall, tables and loungers, games room, barbecue and pizza oven.
The elegant accommodations have Wi-Fi, air conditioning, desk, intercom, minibar and LED TV, in addition to options with hydromassage.
A delicious breakfast with fruits, breads, cakes, cold cuts, eggs and much more is served daily. Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada Recanto da Villa
Village, Historic Center, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It is a very pleasant environment, where the feeling is that of being in an Italian villa with the apartments arranged around a small and beautiful flowered garden.
As it is located in the Historic and Gastronomic Center of the Island, guests can walk to the village.
Its accommodations have split air conditioning, LED TV, minibar and some can accommodate up to 5 people. Rooms with whirlpool, hot tub and solarium are the most popular.
It is 3 minutes from the beach and is undoubtedly the most popular inn in the chain!
Pet Friendly…
Velinn Pousada dos Marinheiros
Itaquanduba Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It is located in one of the most central districts of Ilhabela, a 1-minute walk from the beach and Marina Porto Ilhabela.
It offers a very pleasant atmosphere where around the large pool there are sun loungers, tables with parasols, barbecue and pizza oven.
It also has a card game room and a pool table, a bar, a large leisure area with beautiful balconies and mountain views, as well as a library, cable TV room and everything to make you feel at home.
Its accommodations have air conditioning, LED TV, minibar, ceiling fan and Wi-Fi. Pet Friendly?

Velinn Pousada Ponta do Pequeah
Engenho D'água Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
Built on the concept of a European village, it has a privileged location.
It is located on Boulevard Gourmet, a few meters from the Historic Center of Ilhabela, between the beaches of Engenho D?água and Saco da Capela.
With a beautiful view of Pico do Baepi, its spacious accommodations have a queen-size bed, box-spring mattress, LED TV, split air conditioning, minibar, ceiling fan and sofa.
The service is among Ilhabela's best scores… you will be able to energize yourself while you relax.

Maison Joly Hotel
Historic Center, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
At the Maison Joly Hotel, the view of the Sea is breathtaking from all environments, are there few so beautiful in the world? the architecture is charming and uncluttered, made with Feng Shui fundamentals and organic elements amidst wonderful nature.
It is in the Historic and Gastronomic Center of the Island, a few meters from the beach, shops and restaurants.
It has always been considered the hotel with the best view of Ilhabela! Pet Friendly?
Velinn Pousada Praia do Pereque
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
It was known as Velinn Inn HPJ. It is located in the best neighborhood of Ilhabela, central region that is close to shops, banks, supermarkets, bike path and bus stop.
Just a 1-minute walk from the beach, it has a good price with friendly service in a family atmosphere, as well as great value for money at the Velinn chain in Ilhabela. Its accommodations are spacious for up to 6 people.
Recently renovated, it has a pool with waterfall and whirlpool, solarium and lobby with TV and video game.
Velinn Pousada Chalé Suisso
Itaquanduba, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
Velinn Pousada Chalé Suisso is located on Itaquanduba Beach, central region of Ilhabela.
It is a 1-minute walk from the beach on the main avenue, with easy access to any part of the island.
It combines a good price with the qualities of a personalized service in a simple and cozy atmosphere.
One of the best value for money in Ilhabela and one of the best priced inns in the chain. Pet Friendly…

Velinn Camping Ilhabela
Pereque Beach, Ilhabela, Sao Paulo
The best camping on the north coast!
It is next to the rapids with 15 thousand m² in the middle of nature, equipped with energy points, lighting, complete bathrooms, barbecues, kitchens and a large kiosk.
The waterfall is next to the tents and is integrated into the Ilha da Aventura Eco Park. Enjoy the two swimming pools, kids area with playground, trampoline, ball pool and much more.
Space options, cabins for couples, tents and hostel type accommodation. Pet Friendly…